(my many muses): Joanna Hillman

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I had the pleasure of working at my favorite fashion magazine this summer, Harper's Bazaar.

It was a remarkable experience and I learned so much about the ins and outs of the fashion industry.

With my work I got to interact with the Bazaar fashion editors from all across the board, fashion-wise.

Joanna Hillman was among these editors.

Joanna is the market editor at Harper's Bazaar, which basically means she searches the globe for the latest trends and must-have items.

I immediately noticed Joanna was a woman with a plan.

She always made daring choices.

Whether it was in her sense of style or her driven attitude, she was always fierce and in control.

I admired the way she took charge of a room and never lost sight of her initial goals and overall vision.

Much like my muse of the week, Joanna,

I am in love with Harper's Bazzar and Mac Lipstick in Lady Danger.

Joanna Hillman is an inspiration because of her bold sense of direction and style.

So go forth and be driven!

To learn more about Joanna Hillman check out the video below

In which she talks about her love for the renowned jean designer, J Brand Jeans.
