A pause.

Pauses are interesting.

Pauses take all shapes and forms, but they are necessary. Sometimes you just need to hit the remote control and take a break.

Through my 26 years of life, I've experienced pauses for health issues, for death, and, sometimes, pauses for life. I've got to admit I've put this blog on pause so far this year. I've been taking much needed time for family, old friends, and some very valued time for myself.

I think, sometimes, especially in New York City,  you can get so wrapped up in the game of it all you forget to press pause. You forget to even take a breath.

I'm glad I pressed the pause button, but now it's back to blogging!  Watch for more stories, recipes, tips, fun and exotic explorations!

I'm taking the pause off my blog, but I'll still cherish the moments of reflection. Matter of fact, I might share some with you. Let's walk together through this hyper-social landscape and take time to pause along the way to admire the view.

I look forward to getting together again!

In the meantime, let me know what you discover when you hit the "pause" button.

