Q&A: Lee Coren Designs

Lee Coren is an amazing textile designer that I stumble upon on a recent Etsy hunt.
Being blown away by her talent and creativity, I decided to ask her a few questions for Being/Elliott and she kindly obliged.
Have fun looking over her answers below and be sure to check out her beautiful designs on her Facebook and Etsy shop.
1. How did you get your start in designing?
By accident. I was looking for a degree that would qualify when applying for a degree in Curating - my long lost dream. I had no idea what Graphic design meant, but I went for it, and It was great. During my fourth year studying I started feeling an attraction for textiles - suddenly all of my projects evolved around patterns and textures. After I graduated I just knew I had to do something about it.
2. What inspires you to create?
I draw inspiration from my local environment. I took (and still am taking) many photographs of forgotten urban icons such as broken plastic window shutters, rustic curved window bars and randomly placed mailboxes, and extract shapes from them - that I then transform into modern patterns that shall return to the city as quality scarves and bags.
The new line I'm working on is more escapist, as you can see in the nature landscape clutches I just made from photos I took. but I won't tell you all about it just yet.
3. What do you love about working with textiles?
I love how each fabric brings something else to the table. Each one has a whole different vibe, it's like different types of people. I love creating items that are coherent within themselves. Patterns, inks or foil that attributes to the fabric, becomes a part of it and does not ignore it.
4. Do you have a favorite piece you have made ?
You don't ask a mother who's her favorite child! My current favorite is below.
5. Describe your style aesthetic.
I'd like to see my style as elegant minimalist combined with modern and urban. Having said that, I don't know if this is what my textiles actually communicate.
7. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
You'll never know if you never try
8. What is the one fashion item you think is a “must-have” for every women?
Scarf, obviously. It always makes me look & feel dressed up, even on my daily routine.
9. Any advice you would like to give to aspiring designers?
I don't think I'm yet in position to give such but ,if so, it'll be "Go for it".
10. Any exciting designing plans for 2013?
Oh yes! Aside from escapist line, I'm planning on exploring new areas of textile goods, more to the fashion direction… Stay tuned!