Blog Loving: Blog by LOLO





Lauren Scruggs has been a constant inspiration to me this past year. Whether it was with helping me grow in my career through opening doors with LOLO Magazine, or showing me how to have hope and joy in all circumstances, I can thank Lauren Scruggs. She is an inspiration to girls everywhere. On top of being Editor-in-Chief of the digital lifestyle platform LOLO magazine, Lauren runs a personal blog as well called Blog by LOLO. She is also a published author of her book Still Lolo and a public speaker. Want to learn more about Lauren and her blog? Check out my interview below to gain a closer look.



1. What is Blog by LOLO all about?

It is a place filled with editorials that inspire me in the moment, fashion week adventures, and thoughts on living.

2. Why did you start Blog by LOLO?

After my internships in NYC, I was a bit culture shocked by Dallas as I became used to being around those who were highly passionate about the creative industry. I knew I needed to start something that would keep me educated and inspired in the realm of style. It was also an avenue to build my creative writing style.

3. How have your life experiences shaped the way you see the world?

I have been blessed by experiences that have taken me completely out of my comfort zone such as being thrown into the whirlwinds of the fashion world in major cities and new cultures, learning to report accurately on Fashion Weeks for great companies, and aiming to start my own business, LOLO Magazine.

My path was different than my friends, and that often made me wonder if I was pursuing the correct career path. My dad told me that there is no positivity in comparing, but to continue pursuing the things I love, which sometimes required waiting while I felt like I was intensely cultivating next steps. I have learned to push my dreams to the limits, take risks, and focus on the road set before me.


4. Describe who you think your typical reader is ?

My readers are ready to be visually inspired by a photo, fabulous shopping ideas, the inside scoop on designer lines, or just want a quick tidbit about living life to the fullest.

5. What is the best advice you can give your readers today?

Live without regrets. Write out your personal passions and pursue them without fear. Through it all, build deep lasting friendships with others that will encourage you as you encourage them.

6. What are some of your fashion must-haves for the upcoming spring months? 

-The Zara wrap mini skort. I adore it for the following reasons: it's white, it has pockets, and it can be dressed up or down.

-A great lipstick. My new favorite is MAC "snob." This matte light pink shade is the perfect purchase for Spring. It makes you feel so beachy!

-A Kate Spade Harrison Street Bee. It takes me so long to find my credit card when I need it, and this has saved the day. It looks cute on its own, and it fits perfectly in my purse too!

-A Native Union POP Phone. It makes talking in public so easy and quite stylish.

-A great ankle strap shoe. This one is my favorite because the heel is short enough to pair with shorts, a dress, or an adorable skirt! I just love the monochromatic tribal print too.

7. What is the best advice you have ever received?

To take twelve hours at a time. This helps me to be thankful for the present moments. Sometimes looking into the future creates fear of the unknown. There is so much fullness of life to live in today!4986_962527440214_6128490_n

8. Share your favorite piece you own and why.

I love my white Kendra Scott Tyra ring. The girls in my family and a few of my close girlfriends have one. It represents restoration and healing from tragedy as well as the importance of close community.

9. Share three products you are currently obsessing over and why.

-My YSL lipstick. I can wear no makeup and throw these on my lips. The YSL color is so natural and beautiful.

-My Flower Road Lavande Creme Ancien. It is a lavender raw all-organic body butter that I put on at night. It is so peaceful and helps me to fall asleep quickly.

-Dior Airflash: it is a miracle spray foundation that is perfect to wear to a party or on a date night! It is light and natural, yet makes your skin look like porcelain.

10. Lauren, do you have any closing thoughts you would like to share?

Be yourself. Love on others. Remember that God put specific passions in your heart, and he wants you to use them!