My Tips For Brightening Your Day.
Somedays, like anybody, I feel down in the dumps, unmotivated and just plain "poopie" if you will. When I feel this way I have to force myself out of bed while singing "One more day!!!!!" (You know - that song from "Le Mis").
Anyway....when I feel sluggish, I love to do one or two of the things below to pump up my inspiration for the day.
These tips have helped me so much through the years. I hope they help you if you are feeling down in the dumps.
My tips for brightening your day:
1. Call your girlfriend, or family member to chat about everything.
2. Buy fresh flowers.
3. Pray.
4. Start a new book.
5. Write out what you are thankful for.
6. Go on a walk.
7. Find a small town newspaper to read. haha!
8. Kiss.
9. Help someone in need.
10. Get some sun.
11. Exercise.
12. Take a bath.
13. Do a dance.
14. Watch this.
15. Unplug for a few hours.
16. Have a donut. Yes, you deserve it.
17. Pet a puppy! Just do it!!!!