2 years.
2 years of marriage. 5 years together. Wowza. I love this man. Never in my life did I dream about marriage. I guess I was just not that kind of girl. I dreamed of dressing up for my job in the big city. The sound of my high heels on the cobble stones. These thoughts circled around my little girl dreams. “I like it here in Illinois, but I want to move to New York City”, I told my mother when I was eight. Turns out the dreams of a gal who was raised on corn fields and bring your tractor to school day really can come true. Even when I wasn't looking, dreams found their way. From the cornfields of Illinois to the tall beams of the Empire State. Dreams found a way.
Aaron, I’m so glad you found your way to me. You encourage me to pursue my dreams. Our dreams now. You once said you knew I was the one when you saw how hard I worked. “She is a fighter for her dreams, her family and what she believes in” you said to one of your closest friends. Well, my dear, I feel the same way about you. Let’s continue fighting for our dreams (both large and small) together.
Love you stud. Here’s to a million more arcade games and pizza slices.
+ photos by our very talented friend Wesley Stringer.