What does rocking a red lip mean to me?

Verily Magazine approached me a few weeks ago with the question: "What does rocking a red lip really mean to you?".

I love how red lips add extra sparkle to any outfit. When I'm dressing down for casual comfort, bold red lips add an unexpected pop to my look.

It's so easy to toss a red lipstick in my gym bag. You never know when an unexpected meeting might pop up after exercising. Even in sweats I can look stylish with the help of my ruby red!

My Grandma Beth always loved to rock a red lip. When I was little, I'd go through her makeup (including her lipsticks!) and try them out.  I admired how she wore red lipstick, bold golden earrings and, of course, Chanel N°5.

Grandma Beth was the inspiration for my work in fashion. Every time I wear red lipstick I think of Grandma. I'm so grateful to have her precious memory.

I have Grandma Beth to thank for my love of color, fashion and styling. She inspired me to help others find their own bold, beautiful and unique looks.

Grandma displayed her own colorful style with pride. Not a day goes by I don't miss her laugh, witty banter or famous mashed potatoes. (Believe me, her meals were legendary!)

Every time I pick up my red lipstick, grandma memories come back to me. I remember shopping together and listening to classical music in her cruising Cadillac. I can still picture her visits. When she walked into any room she just seemed to radiate a special brightness.

Grandma Beth is still here with me in many ways, especially when I wear red lipstick. 

Like Grandma Beth before me, I'll keep rockin' the red!