living in your own skin
In high school my skin was not my friend. It left me wrought with insecurities. I had very bad acne. Between the creams, medications and dermatologist appointments, I was at the breaking point. It was hard enough being a girl in high school. Boys, mean gals and social status seemed like life and death to me. My skin was going against me. It was almost too much for a sixteen year old girl to bear. Many nights were spent crying. I yearned for the problem to go away. I tried everything. I hated wearing makeup, yet I always needed to cover something up. Makeup was so not me.
Luckily, I had great friends plus the amazing support of my family to get me through this insecure time in my life. Eventually, things got better and, you know what? My skin and I became friends again. I learned how to really nourish my skin... to feed it. The results have been great. I'm happy to say I don't want to cover up anymore. I love to go without makeup just to let my skin breath. Going without makeup used to scare me. Now this has become the norm.
If you're struggling with your skin or not feeling comfortable about your looks, just know I've been there. I've been the girl who cries in the bathroom during lunch, the one afraid of what people think when she walks into a room. Sometimes, I see that girl again. That's when I take a deep breath and remember feelings are fleeting. We were made for something much more than what we think (or what the annoying voice in our head says to us).
Even though my skin has taken me on a crazy journey wrought with tears, it's become a roadmap to my life. I've grown to love my skin and I want you to love yours, too. I'll continue to give you tips and healthy options for a more glowing, contented you. --Keep watching for more ideas on being comfortable with wonderful you!!