Ceri Hoover Fashion Film

Since starting Being Elliott and my styling career, I've always tried to be an advocate for local designers. When I purchase locally, I imagine all the care which went into each stitch. 

Ceri Hoover is one of the designers I really admire. She hails out of Nashville, Tennessee. Ceri truly puts so much thought into each one of her unique and beautiful leather handbags. Her designs stand out from the crowd.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to direct a fashion film showcasing Ceri's Fall/Winter Handbag collection.

I had a lot of fun making this video. I couldn't have done it without an amazing team. Joy, Jaleeca and Jessica:  Thanks so much for helping make this video look beyond what I expected and bringing it into totally dreamy territory.

Also, thanks, Aaron Craig, for capturing my vision with the excellence and beautiful cinematography you apply to everything.

Now...here's to a finished project! I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it.